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0808 168 9111

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On 1 April 2015 Julia Mulligan, as North Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, launched Supporting Victims, a new service for North Yorkshire, to enable victims of crime to cope with the impact of crime and recover from the harm caused.

Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire was shaped by the first comprehensive Victim Needs Assessment (VNA) in 2014. The review found that most of all, victims wanted support to help them get their lives back to normal, along with better and more timely communications from the different parties involved, including the police.

When you contact Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire we will talk to you about your individual needs and where required we will refer you to one of our commissioned providers.

The commissioned providers we can provide direct access to are described below…

Independent Victim Adviser Service

For victims of the Most Serious Crimes, those who have been Persistently Targeted, or who are Vulnerable or Intimidated, Victim Support is delivering an Independent Victim Adviser (IVA) service, providing a single point of contact for practical and emotional support from the point of crime, throughout the criminal justice process and beyond to enable victims to cope and recover.

For victims interested in receiving Counselling

Four providers listed below are delivering free counselling and therapeutic support to help your recovery journey. These services are available for victims of the Most Serious Crimes, those who have been Persistently Targeted, or who are Vulnerable or Intimidated.

Restorative Justice

For victims interested in taking part in Restorative Justice, meeting with the offender through a facilitated process: Restorative Solutions will be delivering this service in North Yorkshire which will focus on delivering victim-led restorative justice, where victims of crime have the opportunity to meet with their offender to discuss the harm caused.

For victims of Domestic & Sexual Abuse

Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS) is one of our commissioned providers. IDAS can provide you with an Independent Domestic Violence Adviser (IDVA) or an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA). Both specialist roles will act as a single point of contact to provide you with practical and emotional support from the point of crime, throughout the criminal justice process and beyond to support you to cope and recover.

Domestic Abuse Services – IDAS

If you are a victim of domestic abuse you can self-refer to our commissioned provider for domestic abuse services for dedicated support by:

Sexual Abuse Services – via SARC

If you are a victim of sexual abuse you can self-refer to the Sexual Assault Referral Centre who work closely with IDAS to provide continuing support: